Calming Fear or Anxiety with Tree Visualization


When feeling overwhelmed, try this simple visualization technique.

Sit comfortably with your spine lengthened and your head up tall. 

Let the back of your neck lengthen and reach upward while your lower body remains steady and relaxed.

Visualize your favorite tree and ponder its strength, stability and deep rootedness.

Visualize its ability to draw nourishment up through its root system. 

Feel how it’s anchored in place yet its branches and leaves bend and move with fluidity. 

Release any tension and anxiety while mentally repeating the affirmation -

I am grounded and secure.

I draw sustenance from the world around me.

I have the strength to endure the challenges of life.

Sit silently with these affirmations and follow your natural breath for 5-10 minutes or until you feel grounded and at peace.