Water is a wonderful healer and teacher. Water reminds us to move fluidly and in harmony with the present moment, which allows us the freedom to see things naturally, as they truly are...temporary and in constant flow.
In allowing yourself to flow freely with the nature of things, you begin to release the desire to attach to your every thought or emotion. You begin to recognize that you can not control situations or others.
By staying in the flow of ‘what is’, you also learn to trust in the collective energetic flow of the universe. Trust that it carries and supports you as you move fluidly through life.
Creativity, passion, dreams and emotions all spring forth from our sacral chakra - which is associated with the energy of water.
We can find balance and healing within ourselves by simply flowing in accordance with the nature of things.
Spend some time out in nature near water to feel it’s rhythm, soak in herbal baths to cleanse your energy field and care for your physical body by staying hydrated.