Valentine's Day is right around the corner.
Now is a perfect time to focus on YOU - and the energy of your HEART!
It's been a bit since we last connected. Like you, I've been focused on regrounding myself after a very busy holiday season. One beautiful way to replenish and restore is to focus attention on the heart chakra.
In this newsletter, I share a few ways you can explore working with your heart energy. Heart energy healing is one of the single most important things we can do for ourselves.
Keeping the energy of the heart balanced and open allows us to give and receive love and compassion.
I hope you enjoy these simple tools. If you would like to receive more frequent self healing tips and techniques, be sure to follow me on Instagram.
From my heart to yours - I wish you well.
Simple 5 Minute Heart Chakra Meditation
Find a comfortable, relaxing space to sit or lie down.
Take 3-5 deep, cleansing breaths - inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Notice and feel your body relaxing and softening with each inhale and exhale.
Continue this deep, thoughtful breathing as you begin to visualize drawing green energy up through your body - starting at the base of your spine - moving it towards your heart.
Visualize this energy building and solidifying with each inhalation - eventually forming into a bright green ball in the center of your chest.
Feel and see the ball becoming bigger and brighter with each continued breath.
Focus on softening into this energy and begin to open to feelings of love and compassion towards yourself and others.
Allow the energy to expand and radiate throughout your body, running down your arms and out the palms of your hands and down your legs and out the soles of your feet.
Rest in this expansion, drawing your attention back to your heart with each inhale and back to its expansion with each exhale.
Emerge slowly after 5 minutes of focused meditation.
Essential Oils
There are many essential oils that are wonderful support for heart energy. Two of my personal favorites are lavender and sandalwood.
Lavender harmonizes with the cardiovascular system and soothes heart energy. It helps to soften and expand the energies of the heart, which allows for the healthy processing of heavy emotions such as grief, loss and regret. It helps restore peace and balance to your emotional body.
Sandalwood, traditionally used as incense to enhance and deepen meditation and spiritual practices, helps clear blocks in the heart chakra and facilitates the healing of trauma.
Both lavender and sandalwood essential oils can be applied topically, neat (with no dilution), in very small amounts directly to the heart chakra or on the soles of the feet or the palms of the hand. One to two drops each. For those with sensitive skin, dilute in a carrier oil first. These two oils can also be diffused or used in a spritz form.
Use before your meditation practice or before bed to aid in nighttime balancing and processing of emotions.
Herbs & Teas
The heart chakra resonates with green leafy foods and herbs - such as basil, coriander, marjoram, oregano and parsley. You can incorporate these herbs into your diet whenever you feel the need for extra heart support.
Teas are also an easy way to incorporate heart herbs in your daily routine. Tulsi (Holy Basil) is an excellent choice for its uplifting, mood enhancing properties. Green tea makes another wonderful daily support.
Crystal Healing
While Rose Quartz is probably the most well known - and much beloved - heart energy crystal, I equally enjoy working with Unakite Jasper. This powerful, earthy stone balances, soothes and grounds heart energy - and aids in the deepening of self love and compassion.
Place over your heart in lying mediation, carry with you during the day, or place larger pieces in your personal spaces.
Yoga Poses (Asanas) for the Heart Chakra
Certain asanas are known to be excellent heart openers. By holding these various postures for longer periods of time (3-5 minutes), you can help clear energetic blockages and stimulate the healthy, natural flow of your heart energy.
Try Upward Facing Dog, Reverse Plank Pose, Bow Pose, Bridge Pose or Half Camel - experiment and see which feels best for you.
Another gentle option is to place a bolster (or rolled towel/small blanket) under and along your spine. Allow your body to relax and melt over the bolster.
Affirmations & Mantras
Repeating an affirmation or heart-supportive mantra is an excellent way to deepen and enhance your internal connection with your heart healing. It's a wonderful tool to link your heart and mind, welcoming in focused intention for healthy change.
You can simply repeat an affirmation out loud (or quietly in your mind) during your meditation session or whenever you are feeling challenged or overwhelmed emotionally.
You can write your own or choose one that feels right for you. Some simple examples are - I am open to giving and receiving love. I trust and follow my heart. I am worthy of love. I forgive myself and others. Love guides me. I accept things as they are. I am peace. I live in balance.
Or you can simply work with the seed sound of the heart chakra, which is YAM. When repeated, this seed sound is known to have an energetic resonance with the heart chakra and can help open and release stored, blocked energy.
Other commonly used mantras include Om and Om Mani Padme Hum - a traditional Sanskrit mantra said to be the condensed form of all Buddhist teachings.
Cultivate a Gratitude Practice
Research has shown that developing a gratitude practice enhances empathy, reduces anger, improves your self esteem and much more.
Start simple and small.
Take time to notice and reflect upon at least three things that you are grateful for each day.
If you are interested in reading more, you can visit a previous article I wrote, entitled "Gratitude. Superfood for Spirit."