Focus on your root chakra whenever you are feeling anxious, insecure, fatigued or not present.
The root chakra is the foundation of our energy system and overall well being. A strong and healthy root chakra enables us to feel grounded, safe, secure and at peace in our life.
Energetically, the root chakra is associated with basic survival needs, the physical body, our community & family structures and our overall sense of abundance & security.
Physically, the root chakra is associated with the adrenal glands, immune system, bones, prostrate gland, joints, legs and feet.
To support and ground energy into the root chakra, spend some time outdoors - take a walk, get your hands in the garden and allow yourself to play outside.
Incorporate clean, lean proteins into your diet - including beans, nuts and high quality dairy. Include root vegetables and seasonal fruit into your diet as well.
Take a few minutes daily to tune into your body. Using your natural breath, send your energy deep into your root chakra (located at the base of your spine - pelvic plexus and perineum), down through your legs and out the soles of your feet. Envision that energy going deep into the earth like roots of a tree until you feel physically anchored and secure.